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Aviation.Bot is an AI tool designed to find, answer, cite, and compare aviation regulations efficiently

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Useful Features

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International Regulations
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Documents Available

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Search through our comprehensive collection of regulation documents.

  • ADR Aerodromes
  • Air OPS Air Operations ( Part-ARO, Part-ORO, Part-CAT, Part-SPA, Part-NCC, Part-NCO, Part-SPO)
  • Aircrew ( Part-FCL - Part-MED - Part-CC - Part-ARA - Part-ORA - Part-DTO )
  • AMC-20 Airworthiness of Products, Parts and Appliances
  • ATC Licensing and Certification
  • ATM ANS Air Traffic Management & Air Navigation Services
  • Balloons
  • Basic Regulation
  • Continuing Airworthiness
  • CS-22 Sailplanes and Powered Sailplanes
  • CS-23 Normal, Utility, Aerobatic and Commuter Aeroplanes
  • CS-25 Large Aeroplanes
  • CS-29 Large Rotorcraft
  • CS-31GB Free Gas Balloons
  • CS-31HB Hot Air Balloons
  • CS-31TGB Tethered Gas Balloons
  • CS-ACNS Airborne Communications, Navigation and Surveillance
  • CS-CCD Cabin Crew Data
  • CS-E Engines
  • CS-FCD Flight Crew Data
  • CS-FSTD(A) Aeroplane Flight Simulation Training Devices
  • CS-FSTD(H) Helicopter Flight Simulation Training Devices
  • CS-GEN-MMEL Generic Master Minimum Equipment List
  • CS-LSA Light Sport Aeroplanes
  • CS-MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List
  • CS-SIMD CS & GM for Simulator Data
  • CS-VLA Very Light Aeroplanes
  • GM Remote Aerodrome Air Traffic Services
  • Initial Airworthiness & Environmental Protection
  • IS Information Security
  • Part-26 Additional Airworthiness Specifications
  • Sailplanes
  • SERA Standardised European Rules of the Air
  • SKPI Safety Key Performance Indicators
  • TCO Third Country Operators
  • UAS Unmanned Aircraft Systems
  • U-space

*The BETA currently only supports regulations from all EASA Easy Access Rules. Contact us to request access to other regulations and (guidance) documents.

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